Bedroom Stories
A resonant and intriguing voice, a corde lisse dancer balancing between pop, electro, indie, jazz. Marie Glad is a Swedish singer and songwriter.
Bedroom Stories is a collection of electroacoustic pop stories about love in all its dimensions and forms, the naked heart wide open. It was released in three parts, each containing three songs. The sound is open but intimate, deep, bright, and full of hope.
”Marie’s indie-pop sound is mellow and warm. Her uniqueness is shown through her music, honest songwriting.”
”Her voice is as timeless and beautiful as Joni Mitchell’s and her lyrics warm and sensitive.”
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Duvestar = Marie Glad + Oisin Lunny After some years of silence, Duvestar is finally...
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It is all around us and within us. Sound. Since the beginning of time, it has played an important role for people around the world. The Egyptians were supposedly able to lift objects with it. The Greeks used it in medicine.
Category Album
For those who expect more tales of lost love, the theme of Marie Glad’s debut album Rescue Me, her release Bedroom Stories counters the expectations with a trilogy of songs about gained love.